Herdsmen destroy rice plantation in llupeju Ibara community in ogun state.

By Divine Sam

There is serious tensions between farmers and herders constantly becoming a major issue in Ogun State, particularly with this recent incident in Ilupeju Ibaro Village.

The destruction of the rice plantation by the herdsmen is really unfortunate, but it’s good to see the police taking swift action by organizing an emergency meeting with both the farming and herding communities. This proactive approach is essential in preventing further conflict.

The resolution of the dispute in Mowe community also shows a positive outcome, where both sides were able to come together and find a middle ground. Designating specific grazing areas could potentially ease the friction between the two groups, which is encouraging.

What do you think can be done to further reduce these conflicts in the long term? Would you say that similar efforts to facilitate dialogue and understanding could work in other regions experiencing these issues?