Chrisland: Our Society Is Damaged; We Must Confront It

Newsie Events:

We like to act shocked and disappointed only when a case goes viral.

These things have been with us for years. In JSS1, I had classmates who had girlfriends and did nasty stuffs. My mum was an Ngolo Kante and Sergio Ramos combined if not I would have done things too.

At 10, many children already know these things just that they cannot discuss it with their parents. Most of us that are now adults, if we want to be sincere, can we deny that at 10,11, 12 and 13, we were completely innocent? At that age, I knew alot. How much more now that the internet has taken over.

Most of us who grew up in ghetto areas cannot deny the immoral things children do in secret. I know a couple of kids caught in uncompleted buildings with girls doing adult stuffs. They were between the ages of 10-13 or even lesser at the time. These mama and papa drama that children play, nasty things happen there too.

Most of us that are now adults today had their first sexual experience between the ages of 10-13 or even lesser. Go to rural areas and see the alarming rate of teenage sex. These things have been there. Why are people crying out as if it’s new or as if they have no idea or even experiences of these things?

We must begin to talk to kids about these things that we consider forbidden. Even with the strictness of our mothers, they had no idea the things we learnt and knew about outside home. Their strictness never gave us the chance to apply but what about in their absence?

Or is it in our schools ? Come on, try putting hidden a camera in these government public schools and wait for wonders. These things are not new, they are now rooted. Our society hàs been damaged and this is why we must begin to have these conversations.

We must admit these things and deliberately face the realities. We must begin having conversations around these things otherwise, we will be living in denial.

Society is damaged and we must confront it. I am not moved when an adult expresses shock over what a kid knows. I put myself in the situation. At that age, I knew that too. We just acted innocent. How much more kids in this era of open internet and technology ? We must begin to have these conversations.

We will be deceiving ourselves if we keep on denying what these kids know. Kids know alot and this is why we must begin to have these conversations.

Okay bye bye

©️ Caleb Onyeabor


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