Newsie Events:
A Businesswoman, identified as Imabong, with Twitter handle @The_Florentyna has asked a pertinent question, “Why do men feel the need for a press release when they find out a child isn’t theirs ?”
Her question is coming against the backdrop of the recent issue of Paternity fraud case which has been consistently coming up in the Nigerian media and it has got people talking.
Few days ago, a popular OAP, Fada Kane raised an alarm when he discovered he’s not the biological father of his 2 children after over 20 years!
The FAD93.1FM Calabar broadcaster took to Facebook to share court affidavits as well as details of DNA tests proving he’s not the father of kids he allegedly had with his ex-girlfriend.
Fada Kane’s announcement has been generating mixed reactions which prompted Imabong to ask why Men made such a big deal out of it when they find out a child isn’t biologically theirs.
According to Imabong, almost everyday, women find out their Husband’s have kids outside their marriage so when the table gets turned, why do men cry so much.
She stated, “Lol why do men feel the need for a press release when they find out a child isn’t theirs? Every day women find out their husbands have kids with another woman and keep it pushing, why can’t men be mature about these things.”
Below is her post and the reactions for or against;

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